Monday, October 12, 2015


And, yes, I am. Yay!  Even if there is a virus in our house affecting some of my siblings and my dad.

A few days ago, my dad became unwell.  It sounded like a cold, but a little later, it became apparent that it was more than flu.  He stayed in bed for a few days and I think he feels better today.  But last night, one of my brothers (I don't know if I have told you, I have six brothers. And that's right, no sisters) had a fever.  He looked very unwell this morning, and is now sitting in the bath.  I just have to steer clear of the direction in which he coughs.

I could have got the virus by now because in the evenings dad and I would sit together, dad would look at things on TradeMe (yawn) and I would read a book, snuggled up to him.  But no, here I am, dad is nearly over it, and I am still well.  And I am very grateful, because I have to get my baby brother to sleep some nights - last night, the night before last, probably tonight...     If I was unwell, who would help my exhausted mum by getting her wide awake baby (who is trying to crawl off the edge of the bed) to sleep?

I have been taking only two medicines, and they have helped.   I am also careful with my sugar intake, my exercise, and how I dress (warmly if it is a cold day, thinly (but still modestly) if it is a hot day).

#1 Magic Potion.
Well, not really, but so it seems!  
Comvita Olive Leaf Extract
Available in Health 2000 shops, and Health Post (An internet and over-the-telephone business) 
I take one tablespoon two to three times a day.  It is the adult dose, but I now have two lots of sickness to avoid.

#2 Yucky Stuff
When you first taste it, you may think  "EEEW, YUCK!  Why did she recommend this?"
But believe me, it works wonders.
Aromaflex Manuka Hydrosol
Aromaflex is a business in Nelson and Wellington.  When you walk in, you are hit by this strong but beautiful smell like a garden.  The scent is perfectly natural, derived from plants and flowers, non synthetic,  BEAUTIFUL!!!
As for the word "hydrosol", don't panic, it is nothing complicated.   If the spray was essential oil, you wouldn't be able to use it in your mouth (am I right?).
You know Rose Water?  Great for hot feet in summer, smells nice, you name it.   Hydrosol is just a technical name for "water".   But you wouldn't really want to buy Manuka Water.  It sounds a bit strange.

Antiseptic, Antiviral, Antifungal. 
Great for mouth and wound care.

So I put the two together.  Mouth care, Anti-abcdefg-etc.
I use two to three sprays in the mouth, whenever I remember (which is often three times a day).



I hope this has helped.  Please go to the effort of looking at the Aromaflex Website.
And have a great day.

***Little Star*** 

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